Carpenter, Walt – 8' 0" 4 tip, 4 or 5 weight

  • For your consideration is a Walt Carpenter bamboo fly rod. This is an 8' 0" 3/4 4wt weighing 4.0 oz. Serial number 831380. Walt built this rod in 1983. I spoke with Walt and he said two years later the gentleman asked him to build tips that would handle a little larger flies and some wind. Both tips cast a 4wt sublime and the later built tips will handle a 5wt at the proper distance. All sections are full length and straight.

    This rod consists of Walt Carpenter's Browntone tempering – a rich walnut toning, blending into golden-colored nodes. The hard tungsten wire guides are wrapped with a rich mahogany brown, finely tipped with black. The light-toned agate stripper is very desired from this early period. Cigar-style grip tapers to the cork and walnut reel seat. Ferrules are sizes 16 and 10 with a perfect fit. In my hand, the action is medium-fast well suited for dry flies. Appears the wraps at the winding check may have had an overcoat of varnish – slightly more glossy than the other wraps. Upon close inspection, the varnish over the wraps could use a little touch up work. Includes the original bag and tube.

    Payment by check, bank check, or money order preferred. If a credit card or PayPal is used, the buyer will be assessed a 3% fee.

  • Model: Browntone
    Length: 8' 0"
    Configuration: 3-piece with four tips
    Weight:  4.0 oz.
    Line: 4 wt/5 wt
    Serial Number: 831380

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