
Payne, E.F. - Model 198

  • A very difficult to source Payne Model 198, 7' 6" 3/2, weighing 3.35 oz. This rod throws a DT4 and a WF5 weight line equally well taking on a slightly different personality with each. Cap and sliding band over spanish cedar spacer. Rebuilt by Don Schroeder a few years back. Size 14/64 and 9/64 ferrules. At times they feel slightly loose. Don’s recommendation is to use paraffin wax sparingly on the male ferrules. All sections are full length and dead-straight. The rod has a wonderful medium fast dry fly characteristic. Ferrule plugs, original bag and tube.

    This rod has been sent to Don to fix the ferrule fit.

  • Model:  E.F. Payne Model 198
    Length: 7' 6"
    Configuration: 3/2
    Weight:  3.35 oz.
    Line:  4wt / 5 wt
    Serial Number: NA

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