
Leonard, H.L. – 39H

  • For your consideration is an H.L. Leonard 39H. This is a 7' 6" 2/1 5wt. weighing 3.55 oz. All sections are full-length and straight. SN 1111. 

    The 39H is considered one of the all-time best dry fly rods. In my hand, the action is medium-fast with a full working taper. Competent attaining a 40' cast and beyond if required. Diminutive grip measuring 5 1/2" tapering down to the all cork reel seat. Nickel silver butt cap and sliding band. Red wraps. Size 11 Swiss-style ferrule with a perfect fit. Steve Blake has restored the butt section using original Leonard cork. Original bag with stiffener.

  • Model: 39H
    Length: 7' 6"
    Configuration: Two-piece
    Weight:  3.55 oz.
    Line: 5 weight
    Serial Number: 1111


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