Orvis, C.F. - Wes Jordan, left & right handed (15)

  • Orvis Wes Jordan 8' 0" GBF (8). Appears to have been made with a left handed grip and modified to also cast right handed. 2009 factory refinish work order totaling $584: 1 new tip, strip and rewind butt and other tip section, install new butt cap, remove name on rod and replace leather strap. Lack of patina on leather cap and fact the bag is 6” longer than normal suggests replacements for each. Originally built in 1972. 13/64 ferrules. Work order will convey with purchase.

  • Model: Orvis Wes Jordan
    Handedness: Factory built left and modified for right?
    Length: 8’ 0”
    Configuration: 2/2
    Weight: 4 3/8 oz.
    Line: GBF (8)
    Serial Number: 67067