Payne, E.F. – Model 200L

  • For your consideration is a Payne model 200L bamboo fly rod. This is an 8' 0" 3/2 3wt or 4wt weighing 3.50 oz. The tips mic at 0.0465 which is the same as a pre-fire Leonard 38L. All sections are full length and straight.

    This rod features medium tempered cane with Payne dark brown wraps tipped yellow. Oxidized guides accompanied by a red agate stripping guide with the smallest diameter opening I have ever seen. This rod begs for a silk line. Butt cap reads E.F. Payne Rod.  E.F. Payne Rod Makers. This stamp was introduced in approx. 1925 and began fading out in 1932. Tips and agate suggest this falls early in this time frame. Original cork with 1/2" rings in a Payne style grip measures 6 1/4" in length. Classic cap and ring over a wood spacer. Ferrules are 13/16 with a perfect fit. In my hand, the action is on the medium side of medium-fast and buttery smooth. Steve Blake rewrapped, varnished, and reblued the ferrules. Includes the original bag and tube.

  • Model: 200L
    Length: 8' 0"
    Configuration: Three-piece
    Weight:  3.50 oz.
    Line: 3 weight | 4 weight
    Serial Number: NA