Constable of Bromley – 6' 9" 4wt

  • For your consideration is a Constable of Bromley bamboo fly rod. This is a 6' 9" R.H. Woods Classic of staggered ferrule design, 2/2, 4wt weighing 3.50 oz. Serial number 570. All sections are full length and straight.

    This rod consists of straw-colored cane finished with green wraps tipped black along with light olive full intermediates and an agate stripper guide. All cork grip and spacer. Ferrule fit is perfect. In my hand, the action is full working and medium. Includes the original bag, tube, and staggered ferrule plug.

  • Model: R.H. Woods Classic
    Length: 6' 9"
    Configuration: Two-piece
    Weight:  3.50 oz.
    Line: 4 weight
    Serial Number: 570

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